
Miller, M. W. C., J. R. Lovvorn, N. R. Graff, N. C. Stellrecht, and S. P. Plesh.  2023.  Prey availability and foraging activity by tundra-nesting sea ducks: strong preference for declining wetland types.  Ecology and Evolution 13: e10375.

Plesh, S. P., J. R. Lovvorn, and M. W. Miller.  2023.  Organic matter sources and flows in tundra pond food webs.  PLoS ONE 18(5): e026368.

Lovvorn, J. R.  2023.  Modeling patterns and controls of food web structure in saline wetlands of a Rocky Mountain basin.  Ecosystems 26:457-472.

Miller, M. W. C., J. R. Lovvorn, N. Graff, and N. Stellrecht.  2022.  Use of marine vs. freshwater nutrients for egg-laying and incubation by sea ducks breeding in Arctic tundra.  Ecosphere 13: e4138.

Lovvorn, J. R., and M. L. Crozier.  2022.  Duck use of saline wetlands created by irrigation in a semiarid landscape.  Wetlands 42:4.

Lovvorn, J. R., and M. L. Brooks.  2021.  Feeding on epibenthic zooplankton by Long-tailed Ducks: patch structure, profitability, and food web implications.  Ecosphere 12: e03780.

Brooks, M. L., J. R. Lovvorn, J. H. Behnke, and E. M Anderson.  2021.  Detecting silent stressors: trace element effects on nutritional status of declining scoter ducks of Puget Sound, USA.  Science of the Total Environment 766:144247

Knudson, T. W., J. R. Lovvorn, R. M. Corcoran, M. J. Lawonn, D. D. Roby, John F. Piatt, and W. H. Pyle.  2020.  Can oceanic effects on growth and time to fledging mediate terrestrial predator limitation of an at-risk seabird?  Ecosphere 11(8):e03229.

Lovvorn, J. R., A. R. Rocha, S. L. Danielson, L. W. Cooper, and J. M. Grebmeier.  2020.  Predicting sediment organic carbon and related food web types from a physical oceanographic model on a subarctic shelf.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 633:37-54.

North, C. A., J. R. Lovvorn, J. M. Kolts, L. W. Cooper, and J. M. Grebmeier.  2019.  Discriminating trophic niches of carnivorous macroinvertebrates with gut contents, stable isotopes, and fatty acids.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 631:49-66.

Cooper, L. W., M. L. Guarinello, J. M. Grebmeier, A. Bayard, and J. R. Lovvorn, C. A. North, and J. M. Kolts.  2019.  A video seafloor survey of epibenthic communities in the Pacific Arctic including Distributed Biological Observatory stations in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas.  Deep-Sea Research II 162:164-179.

Miller, M. W. C., J. R. Lovvorn, A. C. Matz, R. J. Taylor, C. J. Latty, D. E. Safine, and T. E. Hollmen.  2019.  Assessment of bioindicator species to represent trace element levels in multiple taxa of Arctic-nesting sea ducks.  Ecological Indicators 98:830-839.

Christie, K. S., T. E. Hollmen, H. P. Huntington, and J. R. Lovvorn.  2018.  Structured decision analysis informed by Traditional Ecological Knowledge as a tool to strengthen subsistence systems in a changing Arctic.  Ecology and Society 23(4):42,

Lovvorn, J. R., A. R. Rocha, A. R. Mahoney, and S. C. Jewett.  2018.  Sustaining ecological and subsistence functions in conservation areas: eider habitat and access by Native hunters along landfast ice.  Environmental Conservation 45:361-369.

Lovvorn, J. R., C. A. North, J. M. Grebmeier, L. W. Cooper, and J. M. Kolts.  2018.  Sediment organic carbon integrates changing environmental conditions to predict benthic assemblages in shallow Arctic seas.   Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28:861-871.

Mountjoy, N. J., M. R. Whiles, G. Spyreas, J. R. Lovvorn, and E. Seekamp.  2016.  Assessing the efficacy of community-based natural resource management planning with a multi-watershed approach.  Biological Conservation, 201:120-128.

Miller, M., J. R. Lovvorn, A. C. Matz, R. J. Taylor, C. J. Latty, and D. E. Safine.  2016.  Trace elements in sea ducks of the Alaskan Arctic: patterns of variation among species, sexes, and ages.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 71:297-312.

Lovvorn, J. R., C. A. North, J. M. Kolts, J. M. Grebmeier, L. W. Cooper, and X. Cui. 2016. Projecting the effects of climate-driven changes in organic matter supply on benthic food webs in the northern Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 548:11-30.

Grebmeier, J. M., B. A Bluhm, L. W. Cooper, S. Danielson, K. Arrigo, A. L Blanchard, J. T. Clark, R. H. Day, K. E. Frey, R. R Gradinger, C. V. Jay, M. Kedra, B. Konar, K. J. Kuletz, S. H. Lee, J. R. Lovvorn, B. L. Norcross, and S. R. Okkonen. 2015. Ecosystem characteristics and processes facilitating persistent macrobenthic biomass hotspots and associated benthivory in the Pacific Arctic. Progress in Oceanography 136:92-114.

Lovvorn, J. R., A. R. Rocha, S. C. Jewett, D. Dasher, S. Oppel, A. N. Powell. 2015. Limits to benthic feeding by eiders in a vital Arctic migration corridor due to localized prey and changing sea ice. Progress in Oceanography 136:162-174.

Lovvorn, J. R., U. Jacob, C. A. North, J. M. Kolts, J. M. Grebmeier, L. W. Cooper, and X. Cui. 2015. Modeling spatial patterns of limits to production of deposit-feeders and ectothermic predators in the northern Bering Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 154:19-29.

Kolts, J. M., J. R. Lovvorn, C. A. North, and M. A. Janout. 2015. Oceanographic and demographic mechanisms affecting population structure of snow crabs in the northern Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 518:193-208.

North, C. A., J. R. Lovvorn, J. M. Kolts, M. L. Brooks, L. W. Cooper, and J. M. Grebmeier. 2014. Deposit-feeder diets in the Bering Sea: potential effects of climatic loss of sea ice-related microalgal blooms. Ecological Applications 24:1525-1542.

Lovvorn, J. R., E. M. Anderson, A R. Rocha, W. W. Larned, J. M. Grebmeier, L. W. Cooper, J. M. Kolts, and C. A. North. 2014. Variable wind, pack ice, and prey dispersion affect the long-term adequacy of protected areas for an Arctic sea duck. Ecological Applications 24:396-412.

Moore, S. E., E. Logerwell, L. Eisner, E. Farley, L. Harwood, K. Kuletz, J. R. Lovvorn, J. Murphy, and L. Quakenbush. 2014. Marine fishes, birds and mammals as sentinels of ecosystem variability and reorganization in the Pacific Arctic region. Pages 337-392 in J. M. Grebmeier and W. Maslowski, eds. The Pacific Arctic region: ecosystem status and trends in a rapidly changing environment. Springer, Dordrecht.

Kolts, J. M., J. R. Lovvorn, C. A. North, J. M. Grebmeier, and L. W. Cooper. 2013. Relative value of stomach contents, stable isotopes, and fatty acids as diet indicators for a dominant invertebrate predator (Chionoecetes opilio) in the northern Bering Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 449:274-283.

Cooper, L. W., M. G. Sexson, J. M. Grebmeier, R. Gradinger, C. W. Mordy, and J. R. Lovvorn. 2013. Linkages between sea ice coverage, pelagic-benthic coupling and the distribution of Spectacled Eiders: observations in March 2008, 2009 and 2010, northern Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 94:31-43.

Peura, J. F., J. R. Lovvorn, C. A. North, and J. M. Kolts. 2013. Hermit crab population structure and association with gastropod shells in the northern Bering Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 449:10-16.

Lovvorn, J. R., M. F. Raisbeck, L. W. Cooper, G. A. Cutter, M. W. Miller, M. L. Brooks, J. M. Grebmeier, A. C. Matz, and C. M. Schaefer. 2013. Wintering eiders acquire exceptional Se and Cd burdens in the Bering Sea: physiological and oceanographic factors. Marine Ecology Progress Series 489:245-261.

Kolts, J. M., J. R. Lovvorn, C. A. North, J. M. Grebmeier, and L. W. Cooper. 2013. Effects of body size, gender, and prey availability on diets of snow crabs in the northern Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 483:209-220.

Lovvorn, J. R., S. E. W. De La Cruz, J. Y. Takekawa, L. E. Shaskey, and S. E. Richman. 2013. Niche overlap, threshold food densities, and limits to prey depletion for a diving duck assemblage in an estuarine bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 476:251-268.

Anderson, E. M., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2012. Seasonal dynamics of prey size mediate complementary functions of mussel beds and seagrass habitats for an avian predator. Marine Ecology Progress Series 467:219-232.

Cooper, L. W., M. Janout, K. E. Frey, R. Pirtle-Levy, M. Guarinello, J. M. Grebmeier, and J. R. Lovvorn. 2012. The relationship between sea ice break-up, water mass variation, chlorophyll biomass, and sedimentation in the northern Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 65-70:141-162.

Lovvorn, J. R., R. H. Mossotti, J. J. Wilson, and D. McKay. 2012. Eiders in offshore pack ice show previously unknown courtship behavior: acceleration of readiness for a constrained breeding period? Polar Biology 35:1087-1095.

Brooks, M. L., E. Fleishman, L. R. Brown, P. H. Lehman, I. Werner, N. Scholz, C. Mitchelmore, J. R. Lovvorn, M. L. Johnson, D. Schlenk, S. van Drunick, J. I. Drever, D. M. Stoms, A. E. Parker, and R. Dugdale. 2012. Life histories, salinity zones, and sublethal contributions of contaminants to pelagic fish declines illustrated with a case study of San Francisco Estuary, California, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 35:603-621.

Richman, S. E., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2011. Effects of air and water temperatures on resting metabolism of auklets and other diving birds. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 84:316-332.

Anderson, E. M., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2011. Contrasts in energy status and foraging strategies of White-winged Scoters (Melanitta fusca) and Surf Scoters (M. perspicillata). Auk 128:248-257.

Lovvorn, J. R. 2010. Modeling profitability for the smallest marine endotherms: auklets foraging within pelagic prey patches. Aquatic Biology 8:203-219.

Lovvorn, J. R., J. J. Wilson, D. McKay, J. K. Bump, L. W. Cooper, and J. M. Grebmeier. 2010. Walruses attack Spectacled Eiders wintering in pack ice of the Bering Sea. Arctic 63:53-56.

Cui, X., J. M. Grebmeier, L. W. Cooper, J. R. Lovvorn, C. A. North, and J. M. Kolts. 2009. Spatial distributions of groundfish in the northern Bering Sea in relation to environmental variation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 393:147-160.

Lovvorn, J. R., J. M. Grebmeier, L. W. Cooper, J. K Bump, and S. E. Richman. 2009. Modeling marine protected areas for threatened eiders in a climatically changing Bering Sea. Ecological Applications 19:1596-1613.

Anderson, E. M., J. L. Bower, D. R. Nysewander, J. R. Evenson, and J. R. Lovvorn. 2009. Changes in avifaunal abundance in a heavily used wintering and migration site in Puget Sound, Washington, during 1966–2007. Marine Ornithology 37:19-27.

Richman, S. E., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2009. Predator size, prey size, and threshold food densities of diving ducks: does a common prey base support fewer large animals?   Journal of Animal Ecology 78:1033-1042.

Anderson, E. M., J. R. Lovvorn, D. Esler, and W. S. Boyd. 2009. Using predator distributions and diet biomarkers to define marine protected areas: sea ducks and spawning herring. Marine Ecology Progress Series 386:287-302.

Corcoran, R. M., J. R. Lovvorn, and P. J. Heglund. 2009. Long-term change in limnology and invertebrates in Alaskan boreal wetlands. Hydrobiologia 620:77-89.

Anderson, E. M., J. R. Lovvorn, and M. T. Wilson. 2008. Reevaluating marine diets of Surf and White-winged Scoters: interspecific differences and the importance of soft-bodied prey. Condor 110:285-295.

Anderson, E. M., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2008. Gray whales may increase feeding opportunities for avian benthivores. Marine Ecology Progress Series 360:291-296.

Doak, D. F., J. E. Estes, B. S. Halpern, U. Jacob, D. R. Lindberg, J. R. Lovvorn, D. H. Monson, M. T. Tinker, T. M. Williams, J. T. Wootton, I. Carroll, M. Emmerson, F. Micheli, and M. Novak. 2008. Understanding and predicting ecological dynamics: are major surprises inevitable? Ecology 89:952-961.

Richman, S. E., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2008. Costs of diving by wing and foot propulsion in a sea duck, the White-winged Scoter. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 178:321-332.

Lovvorn, J. R. 2007. Thermal substitution and aerobic efficiency: measuring and predicting effects of heat balance on endotherm diving energetics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 362:2079-2093.

Corcoran, R. M., J. R. Lovvorn, M. R. Bertram, and M. T. Vivion. 2007. Lesser Scaup nest success and duckling survival on the Yukon Flats, Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:127-134.

Koons, D. N., J. J. Rotella, D. W. Willey, M. Taper, R. G. Clark, S. Slattery, R. W. Brook, R. M. Corcoran, and J. R. Lovvorn. 2006. Lesser Scaup population dynamics: what can be learned from available data? Avian Conservation and Ecology 1(3):6. [online] URL: http//

Kaseloo, P. A., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2006. Substitution of heat from exercise and digestion by ducks diving for mussels at varying depths and temperatures. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 176:265-275.

Watanuki, Y., S. Wanless, M. Harris, M. Miyazaki, J. R. Lovvorn, H. Tanaka, and K. Sato. 2006. Regulation of stroke patterns in wing-propelled divers: a comparison among alcids and a penguin. Journal of Experimental Biology 209:1217-1230.

Hart, E. A., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2005. Patterns of macroinvertebrate abundance in inland saline wetlands: a trophic analysis. Hydrobiologia 541:45-54.

Lovvorn, J. R., L. W. Cooper, M. L. Brooks, C. C. De Ruyck, J. K. Bump, and J. M. Grebmeier. 2005. Organic matter pathways to zooplankton and benthos under pack ice in late winter and open water in late summer in the north-central Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 291:135-150.

Kaseloo, P. A., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2005. Effects of surface activity patterns and dive depth on thermal substitution in fasted and fed Lesser Scaup ducks. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83:301-311.

Peck, D. E., D. M. McLeod, J. P. Hewlett, and J. R. Lovvorn. 2005. Irrigation-dependent wetlands vs. instream flow enhancement: economics of water transfers from agriculture to wildlife uses. Environmental Management 34:842-855.

Lovvorn, J. R., Y. Watanuki, A. Kato, Y. Naito, and G. A. Liggins. 2004. Stroke patterns and regulation of swim speed and energy cost in free-ranging Brünnich’s Guillemots. Journal of Experimental Biology 207:4679-4695.

Bump, J. K., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2004. Effects of lead structure in Bering Sea pack ice on the flight costs of wintering Spectacled Eiders. Journal of Marine Systems 50:113-139.

Richman, S. E., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2004. Relative foraging value to Lesser Scaup ducks of native and exotic clams from San Francisco Bay. Ecological Applications 14:1217-1231.

Poulton, V. K., J. R. Lovvorn, and J. Y. Takekawa. 2004. Spatial and overwinter changes in clam populations of San Pablo Bay, a semiarid estuary with highly variable freshwater inflow. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 59:459-473.

Lovvorn, J. R., and E. A. Hart. 2004. Irrigation, salinity, and landscape patterns of natural palustrine wetlands. Pages 105-129 in M. C. McKinstry, W. A. Hubert, and S. H. Anderson, eds. Wetland and riparian areas of the Intermountain West: ecology and management. Univ. of Texas Press, Austin. 319 pp.

Hart, E. A., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2003. Algal vs. macrophyte inputs to food webs of inland saline wetlands. Ecology 84:3317-3326.

Richman, S. E., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2003. Effects of clam species dominance on nutrient and energy acquisition by Spectacled Eiders in the Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 261:283-297.

Lovvorn, J. R, S. E. Richman, J. M. Grebmeier, and L. W. Cooper. 2003. Diet and body condition of Spectacled Eiders wintering in pack ice of the Bering Sea. Polar Biology 26:259-267.

Kaseloo, P. A., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2003. Heat increment of feeding and thermal substitution in Mallard ducks feeding voluntarily on grain. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 173:207-213.

Kruse, K. L., J. R. Lovvorn, J. Y. Takekawa, and J. Mackay. 2003. Winter distribution and survival of a high-desert breeding population of Canvasbacks. Condor 105:791-804.

Kruse, K. L., J. R. Lovvorn, J. Y. Takekawa, and J. Mackay. 2003. Long-term productivity of Canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria) in a snowpack-driven desert marsh. Auk 120:107-119.

Poulton, V. K., J. R. Lovvorn, and J. Y. Takekawa. 2002. Clam density and scaup feeding behavior in San Pablo Bay, California. Condor 104:518-527.

Hart, E. A., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2002. Interpreting stable isotopes from macroinvertebrate foodwebs in saline wetlands. Limnology and Oceanography 47:580-584.

Lovvorn, J. R., and G. A. Liggins. 2002. Interactions of body shape, body size and stroke-acceleration patterns in costs of underwater swimming by birds. Functional Ecology 16:106-112.

Cooper, L. W., J. M. Grebmeier, I.L. Larsen, V. G. Egorov, C. Theodorakis, H. P. Kelly, and J. R. Lovvorn. 2002. Seasonal variation in sedimentation of organic materials in the St. Lawrence Island polynya region, Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 226:13-26.

Baduini, C. L., J. R. Lovvorn, and G. L. Hunt. 2001. Determining the nutritional condition of Short-tailed Shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris): implications for migratory flight ranges and starvation events.   Marine Ecology Progress Series 222:265-277.

Lovvorn, J. R., C. L. Baduini, and G. L. Hunt. 2001. Modeling underwater visual and filter feeding by planktivorous shearwaters in unusual sea conditions. Ecology 82:2342-2356.

Peck, D. E., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2001. The importance of flood irrigation in water supply to wetlands in the Laramie Basin, Wyoming, USA. Wetlands 21:370-378.

Lovvorn, J. R. 2001. Upstroke thrust, drag effects, and stroke-glide cycles in wing-propelled swimming by birds. American Zoologist 41:154-165.

Lovvorn, J. R., G. A. Liggins, M. H. Borstad, S. M. Calisal, and J. Mikkelsen. 2001. Hydrodynamic drag of diving birds: effects of body size, body shape and feathers at steady speeds. Journal of Experimental Biology 204:1547-1557.

Hart, E. A., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2000. Vegetation dynamics and primary production in saline, lacustrine wetlands of a Rocky Mountain basin. Aquatic Botany 66:21-39.

Lovvorn, J. R., Yule, D., and C. E. Derby. 1999. Greater predation by Double-crested Cormorants on cutthroat versus rainbow trout fingerlings stocked in a Wyoming river. Canadian Journal of Zoology 77: 1984-1990.

Lovvorn, J. R., D. A. Croll, and G. A. Liggins. 1999. Mechanical versus physiological determinants of swimming speeds in diving Brünnich’s Guillemots. Journal of Experimental Biology 202:1741-1752.

Lovvorn, J. R., W. M. Wollheim, and E. A. Hart. 1999. High Plains wetlands of southeast Wyoming: salinity, vegetation, and invertebrate communities. Pages 603-633 in D. Batzer, R. B. Rader, and S. A. Wissinger, eds. Invertebrates in freshwater wetlands of North America. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. 1100 pp.

Derby, C. E., and J. R. Lovvorn. 1997. Predation on fish by cormorants and pelicans in a coldwater river: a field and modeling study. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1480-1493.

Derby, C. E., and J. R. Lovvorn. 1997. Comparison of pellets versus collected birds for sampling diets of Double-crested Cormorants. Condor 99:549-553.

Prenzlow, D. M., and J. R. Lovvorn. 1997. Design and results of a waterfowl breeding population survey for Wyoming.   Journal of Wildlife Management 61:758-767.

Lovvorn, J. R., and J. R. Baldwin. 1996. Intertidal and farmland habitats of ducks in the Puget Sound region: a landscape perspective.   Biological Conservation 77:97-114.

Lovvorn, J. R., and M. P. Gillingham. 1996. Food dispersion and foraging energetics: a mechanistic synthesis for field studies of avian benthivores.   Ecology 77:435-451.

Lovvorn, J. R., and M. P. Gillingham. 1996. A spatial energetics model of cadmium accumulation by diving ducks.   Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 30:241-251.

Prenzlow, D. M., and J. R. Lovvorn. 1996. Evaluation of visibility correction factors for waterfowl surveys in Wyoming.   Journal of Wildlife Management 60:286-297.

Wollheim, W. M., and J. R. Lovvorn. 1996. Effects of macrophyte growth forms on invertebrate communities in saline lakes of the Wyoming High Plains.   Hydrobiologia 323:83-96.

Wollheim, W. M., and J. R. Lovvorn. 1995. Salinity effects on macroinvertebrate assemblages and waterbird food webs in shallow lakes of the Wyoming High Plains.   Hydrobiologia 310:207-223.

Lovvorn, J. R. 1994. Biomechanics and foraging profitability: an approach to assessing trophic needs and impacts of diving ducks.   Hydrobiologia 279/280:223-233.

Lovvorn, J. R., and D. R. Jones. 1994. Biomechanical conflicts between diving and aerial flight in estuarine birds.   Estuaries 17:62-75.

Lovvorn, J. R. 1994. Nutrient reserves, probability of cold spells and the question of reserve regulation in wintering Canvasbacks.   Journal of Animal Ecology 63:11-23.

Baldwin, J. R., and J. R. Lovvorn. 1994. Major expansion of seagrass habitat by the exotic Zostera japonica, and its use by dabbling ducks and Brant in Boundary Bay, British Columbia.   Marine Ecology Progress Series 103:199-127.

Baldwin, J. R., and J. R. Lovvorn. 1994. Habitats and tidal accessibility of the marine foods of dabbling ducks and Brant in Boundary Bay, British Columbia.   Marine Biology 120:627-638.

Baldwin, J. R., and J. R. Lovvorn. 1992. Populations, diet, food availability and food requirements of dabbling ducks in Boundary Bay.   Pages 42-69 in R. W. Butler, ed. Abundance, distribution and conservation of birds in the vicinity of Boundary Bay, British Columbia.   Canadian Wildlife Service Technical Report Series 155.

Sparling, D. W., J. A. Barzen, J. R. Lovvorn, and J. R. Serie. 1992. An evaluation of regression methods to estimate nutritional condition of Canvasbacks and other water birds.   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 3.

Lovvorn, J. R. 1991. Mechanics of underwater swimming in foot-propelled diving birds.   Proceedings of the International Ornithological Congress 20:1868-1874.

Lovvorn, J. R., and D. R. Jones. 1991. Effects of body size, body fat, and change in pressure with depth on buoyancy and costs of diving in ducks (Aythya spp.).   Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:2879-2887.

Lovvorn, J. R., and D. R. Jones. 1991. Body mass, volume, and buoyancy of some aquatic birds, and their relation to locomotor strategies.   Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:2888-2892.

Lovvorn, J. R., D. R. Jones, and R. W. Blake. 1991. Mechanics of underwater locomotion in diving ducks: drag, buoyancy, and acceleration in a size gradient of species. Journal of Experimental Biology 159:89-108.

Lovvorn, J. R. 1990. Courtship and aggression in Canvasbacks: sexual differences and effects of pairbonding.   Condor 92:371-380.

Lovvorn, J. R. 1989. Food defendability and antipredator tactics: implications for dominance and pairing in Canvasbacks.   Condor 91:826-836.

Lovvorn, J. R. 1989. Distributional responses of Canvasback ducks to weather and habitat change.   Journal of Applied Ecology 26:113-130.

Stephenson, R., J. R. Lovvorn, M. R. A. Heieis, D. R. Jones, and R. W. Blake. 1989. A hydromechanical estimate of the power requirements of diving and surface swimming in Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis).   Journal of Experimental Biology 147:507-519.

Lovvorn, J. R., and J. A. Barzen. 1988. Molt in the annual cycle of Canvasbacks.   Auk 105:543-552.

Lovvorn, J. R., and C. M. Kirkpatrick. 1982. Recruitment and socially-specific flocking tendencies of eastern Sandhill Cranes.   Wilson Bulletin 94:313-321.

Lovvorn, J. R., and C. M. Kirkpatrick. 1982. Field use by staging eastern Greater Sandhill Cranes.   Journal of Wildlife Management 46:99-108.

Lovvorn, J. R., and C. M. Kirkpatrick. 1982. Analysis of freshwater wetland vegetation with large-scale color infrared aerial photography.   Journal of Wildlife Management 46:61-70.

Lovvorn, J. R., and C. M. Kirkpatrick. 1981. Roosting behavior and habitat of migrant Greater Sandhill Cranes.   Journal of Wildlife Management 45:842-857.

Lovvorn, J. R., and C. M. Kirkpatrick. 1981. Fall census of eastern Greater Sandhill Cranes. Proceedings of the International Crane Workshop 3:259-265.